Friday, 5 July 2019

R Careers – Future Scope of R Programming

1. Future Scope of R Programming Language

We have previously studied about R programming in detail. You might be wondering about the future scope of R. After all, we all want to have a secure career in the future. But is R an answer to this? In this blog, we will find out how R has taken the world of analytics by storm. We will also study the future scope of R and its career growth. Furthermore, we will discuss the various job prospects and the salary of an R programmer. We will then proceed to discuss some important FAQs in R.

R Careers - Future Scope of R Programming
R Careers – Future Scope of R Programming

2. R Programming Career Growth

We will overview the R careers path and how it is an ideal career option for data science aspirants.

i. Is R Becoming Popular?

has become the lingua franca of data science and statistics. It is the most popular analytic tool. There are an estimated users nearing approximately 2 million. With the emergence in data science and data itself, there is a pressing need for efficient data science tools that can accommodate needs of their users. 
R is capable of providing various benefits and covering all the important issues that makes it ideal for data science operations. There are also various groups, seminars and bootcamps that are being organised around the world that facilitate R education throughout the world.

ii. R has been a game changer in the analytics industry

R is an open-source language which is contributed by developers and programmers from all around the world. It is continuously expanding and people from all around the world are contributing towards its development. This has resulted in R becoming a state of the art programming language.
Due to its platform independence, diversity of packages, robust graphical features, it has become the primary tool for the analytics industry.

iii. What about job prospects?

R programmers can avail various jobs in the data science industry. Since, there is a dearth of data scientists, both novice and professional R programmers can enter the data science industry. 
There are various industries like Facebook, Google, Twitter as well as emerging startups that are using R to meet their analytical goals. 
At the same time, organizations expect many of the new hires to already equipped with knowledge of R. They want them to be familiar with the R tool and how to use it for data analysis.

iv. Business Adaptation of R

Most of the data scientist and analysts use R as a tool of their choice. But what about corporate adoption?
Large Businesses use open-source tools and technologies for a business process that is as critical as data analysis. But, R has slowly won over the hearts of many large corporates.
For Example-
Companies like Google, Facebook, Genpact, Accenture, MuSigma and many others are adopting the R platform.

3. Job Roles in R

Being a programming language does not only gaurantee jobs in the IT industry but several industries that are making use of data to transform problems into solutions. Some of the areas where R applicants are most in demand are as follows – 
  • Financial Sectors
  • Banks
  • Health Organisations
  • Manufacturing Companies
  • Academia 
R programmers are most in demand, especially in the emerging startups. Some of the positions that are available for the R programmers are as follows:
  • Data Scientist
  • Business Analyst
  • Data Analyst
  • Data Visualization Expert
  • Quantitative Analyst
Let us now have a brief overlook at each of these jobs –

i. Data Scientist

The profession of Data Scientist is the most in demand. A Data Scientist is supposed to extract data, transform it into a structured format, perform analysis and forecast the future insights. For this purpose, R is the most ideal tool as it provides efficient data handling capability as well as a robust set of analysis and machine learning tools.

ii. Business Analyst

A business Analyst has to develop solutions that are technical in nature to the various business problems. They are required to seek solutions, advance the efforts of the company as well as fulfill the requirements of the business. For this purpose, R provides various business intelligence tools through its extensive packages.

iii. Data Analyst

A Data Analyst is responsible for extracting and analyzing data. This task requires extensive usage of R’s statistical libraries to deliver accurate results so that the companies can make careful data-driven decisions.

iv. Data Visualization Expert

R is most popular for its visualization libraries. Due to this reason, Data Visualization Experts in R are in-demand in the industries. The various packages of R like ggplot2, plotly etc. provide visually appealing graphs and plots to their users. Therefore, storytelling with data has become most sought after skill.

v. Quantitative Analyst

Quantitative Analysts are engaged in financial and banking industries. These industries have to deal with all types of data and R provides an ideal solution to their various data problems. Therefore, R programmers who know the breadth and depth of finance are most sought after in these industries.

4. List of Companies Using R

So, below is the list of companies using R for analytics –
  • TechCrunch
  • Google
  • IBM
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Genpact
  • Bing
  • Orbitz
  • ANZ
  • The New York Times
  • Thomas Cook
  • Accenture
  • Wipro
  • Mozilla
  • Novartis
  • Merck
Here are just a few examples:
  • Google uses R to calculate the ROI of advertising campaigns.
  • Ford uses R to improve the design of its vehicles.
  • Twitter uses R to monitor user experience.
  • The US National Weather Service uses R to predict severe flooding.
  • The Human Rights Data Analysis Group uses R to quantify the impact of war.
  • R is being used by The New York Times to create infographics.

5. R FAQs

a. Will R help me to enter the world of analytics and secure a job? 
Ans. There is an abundance of job in Data Science. As a matter of fact, there is a dearth of data scientists. Therefore, people who have acquired the knowledge of R will find plethora of jobs waiting for them. 
b. What are the job opportunities for R programmers in India?
AnsIndia is one of the biggest producers of data. With many large scale companies and startups searching for ways to convert this massive plethora of data into meaningful insights, there is a need for specialized data scientists. R programmers who are skilled at dealing with such vast amount of data will find India an ideal place to search for new jobs. 
c. How much does an R programmer make?
AnsIn India, Data Scientists who are skilled at R make on an average 7 Lacs per annum. Whereas in countries like USA, they can earn as much as $ 130,000 on an average.
d. What is the future scope of the R programming language?
Data is constantly growing at an exponential rate. Therefore, there are bound to be ample amount of opportunities for aspiring data scientists in the future. Many companies are using R to fulfill their data science requirements, therefore, there is a bright future ahead for data scientists who are skilled at R. 
e. Sources of R Jobs
  • Linkedin
  • Glassdoor
  • Indeed
  • Shine
So, this was all in R Careers article. Hope you liked to know the scope of R programming.

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