Tuesday 21 July 2020

ASP Classic Set Cookie HTTPOnly Secure with Code or Web.Config

ASP Classic Set Cookie HTTPOnly Secure with Code or Web.Config

As promised, here is my Web.Config code for this subject. 

I want to remind you that I have this code but I use ASP Classic to Set, Read, Update. 
This will help you understand what needs to be done and your ASP Classic Options that I do have running on live sites. 

<rule name="Add Strict-Transport-Security when HTTPS" enabled="true">
<match serverVariable="RESPONSE_Strict_Transport_Security" pattern=".*" />
<add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="on" ignoreCase="true" />
<action type="Rewrite" value="max-age=31536000" />

<rule name="Add Secure">
<match serverVariable="RESPONSE_Set_Cookie" pattern=".*" />
<add input="{R:0}" pattern="; Secure" negate="true" />
<action type="Rewrite" value="{R:0}; Secure" />

<rule name="Add HttpOnly">
<match serverVariable="RESPONSE_Set_Cookie" pattern=".*" />
<add input="{R:0}" pattern="; HttpOnly" negate="true" />
<action type="Rewrite" value="{R:0}; HttpOnly" />


Now that you have my Outbound ReWrite rules let's jump to the actual code that will be doing the work. 

First, you'll need to test, so you'll need to read these HTTPOnly Header cookies., You would think you could just write some simple, 


Which made it really easy reading the cookie because all you needed to do is Request.Cookie("KEY") and that would return your data. 

Life was good, easy, response. = write, request. = read. All was good in the ASP Classic world. 

Until this HTTP_COOKIE thing which is a Server Variable. Sounds good so far, could even be something of a security upgrade due to the fact it's really a server variable and connected to your browses ability to read server header information. 


You can Google what a HTTP_Cookie looks like. I would like for you to start your reading here. 


That will give you everything you need to know to this point. 

I'll be using two of my sites to show the different HTTPOnly methods, Non Secured and Secured. I'll also start the process of how you set and read these cookies. 


Content-Type:text/html; Charset=UTF-8
Expires:Fri, 18 Nov 2016 16:44:50 GMT
Date:Fri, 18 Nov 2016 16:14:51 GMT

The above was added using this code. 

Response.AddHeader "Set-Cookie", strCookieName & "=" & strCookieKey & "=" & strCookieValue & "; expires=" & strGMTDateRFC22 & "; domain="& strCookieDomain &"; path=/; HTTPOnly"


Next example is a HTTPOnly Secure header. 


Content-Type:text/html; Charset=UTF-8
Expires:Fri, 18 Nov 2016 16:53:40 GMT
Date:Fri, 18 Nov 2016 16:23:41 GMT

The above had a few extra items but I removed them to keep focus on the HTTP Cookies. 

You see the only difference is Secure: was added. 

The code looks like this: 

Response.AddHeader "Set-Cookie", strCookieName & "=" & strCookieKey & "=" & strCookieValue & "; expires=" & strGMTDateRFC22 & "; domain="& strCookieDomain &"; path=/; secure; HTTPOnly"

Now that you know how to set the cookies let's read them so we can actually use them. 
First of all, I don't set cookies that are not used to benefit the visitor and member. So nothing is added until the visitor actually logs in. To show examples I'm setting a page that will add cookies without you having to login. 

If you are using Google Chrome you could use "EditThisCookie" extension.
Look for the HTTPOnly cookies that are checked and the ones with the domain that matches my domain. I use Google products so you'll see other cookies not associated with my httponly cookies. 

So let's set the cookie without using the web.config method so we stay true to form with ASP Classic. 

The URL is to my Truck and Tools site which is a membership site running Classic ASP. 
For Secured tests I'll be using my Job Board site which also runs the same code. 

When a visitor first reaches your webiste: 

Using Chrome's Cookie reader you're going to see truckat which is my identifier for my Truck and Tools httponly cookie. 
The ls= is Location State and most likely it's showing US. 
I don't use this for anything other than testing if the cookie can be added. You can change your state and it's updated on the session but not the cookie until you login. 

Now, the issue I have had was reading the damn things. HTTP Cookies are a continious string which uses the key name of the cookie to split the array of data you want to store. 
This makes using a simple loop impossible. But if you have found a loop that works and don't mind sharing drop me a line. For now, here's what I use. 

Going back to the code test page you'll find a full HTTP header cookie in line two of the example page. 

I setup a page on my other site to show you the acutal functional code and with the Chrome Cookie Editor you should be able to see it live.

I'll paste the code here that makes the page work but you should check the page to see the break down of each part of the code.

Cookie-Set: HTTPOnly Live Demo and Example of my work. 

HTTPOnly Set-Cookie ASP Classic

Here I'll share with you my method of using HTTP cookies. This site uses HTTPOnly cookies so let's add a TESTCOOKIE to the mix for you to see how I do things.

Keys and Values I will be working with.

Response.AddHeader "Set-Cookie", "TESTCookie=Key1=Value1Key2=Value2Key3=Value3Key4=Value4ASP=CodeDev=Murray; expires=Sat, 19 Nov 2016 19:41:11 GMT; domain=truckandtools.com; path=/; HTTPOnly"

HTTPOnly: Request your HTTP Cookie

We use the Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_COOKIE") in this example.

It looks like this: ASPSESSIONIDCSDTRABR=FIKHLKGDIPEKKGBPMHKFJAHN; truckat=ls=US; TESTCookie=Key1=Key1 is King of the Hill KeyKey2=Value2Key3=Value3Key4=Value4ASP=CodeDev=Murray; _ga=GA1.3.1978168732.1464795103;

HTTPOnly Set-Cookie Cookie Name

We now need to extract our cookie from the full HTTP Cookie: It will look like this:
The ASP CLassic code to do this part.
strCookie0 = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_COOKIE")
If InStr(strCookie0,"TESTCookie=") Then
chttpLen = Len("TESTCookie=")
j = InStrRev(strCookie0, "TESTCookie=")
if j > 0 Then
strCookieTEMP = Mid(strCookie0, j+chttpLen)
end if
j = InStr(strCookieTEMP, ";")
if j > 0 Then
strCookieTEMP = Left(strCookieTEMP, j-1)
End If
strCookie0 = strCookieTEMP
End If

HTTPOnly Set-Cookie Your Key and Values


Now we need to extract the Keys and Values from our HTTP Cookie. I like to use a simple function call. Really can't loop because of how the cookie is saved. We really need to check what's in the string.

Next up is how creative you want to be.

Known Value Length:
If InStr(strCookie0,"key1=") Then
j = InStrRev(strCookie0, "key1=")
if j > 0 Then
strCookieTEMP = Mid(strCookie0, j+5)
end if
j = 9
if j > 0 Then
strCookieTEMP = Left(strCookieTEMP, j-0)
End If
strCookie1 = strCookieTEMP
End If

Code with a known delimiter / tag. If InStr(strCookie0,"key1=") Then
j = InStrRev(strCookie0, "key1=")
if j > 0 Then
strCookieTEMP = Mid(strCookie0, j+5)
end if
j = InStr(strCookieTEMP, "key2=")
if j > 0 Then
strCookieTEMP = Left(strCookieTEMP, j-5)
End If
strCookie4 = strCookieTEMP
End If

You should be able to see the pattern of extracting your values from the HTTP Cookie.

HTTPOnly Set-Cookie Update Values and even add Keys

Let's add new values and update current ones as if we are really doing some work here.

Let's get all of our Values from our current keys. I wont cheat and just type them in. I will run the code as in the example below.

Let's put it all together now.

If InStr(strCookie0,"TESTCookie=") Then
chttpLen = Len("TESTCookie=")
j = InStrRev(strCookie0, "TESTCookie=")
if j > 0 Then
strCookieTEMP = Mid(strCookie0, j+chttpLen)
end if
j = InStr(strCookieTEMP, ";")
if j > 0 Then
strCookieTEMP = Left(strCookieTEMP, j-1)
End If
strCookie0 = strCookieTEMP
End If


Next we extract our keys and values. I'll show you the first key then update it and delete it.

strCookie0 = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_COOKIE")
If InStr(strCookie0,"TESTCookie=") Then
chttpLen = Len("TESTCookie=")
j = InStrRev(strCookie0, "TESTCookie=")
if j > 0 Then
strCookieTEMP = Mid(strCookie0, j+chttpLen)
end if
j = InStr(strCookieTEMP, ";")
if j > 0 Then
strCookieTEMP = Left(strCookieTEMP, j-1)
End If
strCookie0 = strCookieTEMP
End If
If InStr(strCookie0,"Key1=") Then
j = InStrRev(strCookie0, "Key1=")
if j > 0 Then
strCookieTEMP = Mid(strCookie0, j+5)
end if
j = InStr(strCookieTEMP, "Key2=")
if j > 0 Then
strCookieTEMP = Left(strCookieTEMP, j-1)
End If
strCookie4 = strCookieTEMP
End If


HTTPOnly Set-Cookie Update Value Key1

Yes, key1 is different from Key1, please keep up.
Now, let's change the value of Key1. to Key1 is King of the Hill Key.

What would happen if we just updated Key1 without touching the other keys.

strGMTDateRFC22 = CookieServerUTC("d",Now(),6,"GMT")
Response.AddHeader "Set-Cookie", "TESTCookie=Key1=Key1 is King of the Hill KeyKey2=Value2Key3=Value3Key4=Value4ASP=CodeDev=Murray; expires="&strGMTDateRFC22&"; domain="&strHostByName&"; path=/; HTTPOnly"
strCookie0 = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_COOKIE")
If InStr(strCookie0,"TESTCookie=") Then
chttpLen = Len("TESTCookie=")
j = InStrRev(strCookie0, "TESTCookie=")
if j > 0 Then
strCookieTEMP = Mid(strCookie0, j+chttpLen)
end if
j = InStr(strCookieTEMP, ";")
if j > 0 Then
strCookieTEMP = Left(strCookieTEMP, j-1)
End If
strCookie0 = strCookieTEMP
End If
If InStr(strCookie0,"Key1=") Then
j = InStrRev(strCookie0, "Key1=")
if j > 0 Then
strCookieTEMP = Mid(strCookie0, j+5)
end if
j = InStr(strCookieTEMP, "Key2=")
if j > 0 Then
strCookieTEMP = Left(strCookieTEMP, j-1)
End If
strCookie4 = strCookieTEMP
End If

Key1 is King of the Hill Key

Do we have any values and keys after our update otther than the key we updated? Let's look....

strCookie0 = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_COOKIE")
If InStr(strCookie0,"TESTCookie=") Then
chttpLen = Len("TESTCookie=")
j = InStrRev(strCookie0, "TESTCookie=")
if j > 0 Then
strCookieTEMP = Mid(strCookie0, j+chttpLen)
end if
j = InStr(strCookieTEMP, ";")
if j > 0 Then
strCookieTEMP = Left(strCookieTEMP, j-1)
End If
strCookie0 = strCookieTEMP
End If

Key1=Key1 is King of the Hill KeyKey2=Value2Key3=Value3Key4=Value4ASP=CodeDev=Murray>

Can we add more keys with values? Yes,

So there you have it, your HTTPOnly Cookies all setup and ready to be used in your membership and eCommerce site. If you need help, ask me.

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