Saturday, 9 September 2023

Is is not possible desterilized xml to java class without using custom deserialize class?

 Yes, it is possible to deserialize XML to a Java class without using a custom deserializer class.

One way to do this is to add a no-argument default constructor to the Java class. This will allow Jackson to create an instance of the class during deserialization.

For example, if you have a Java class Employee with properties id, name, and age, you can add a no-argument default constructor like this:

public class Employee { private int id; private String name; private int age; public Employee() { // No-argument default constructor } // Getters and setters }

Then, you can use the XmlMapper class from the Jackson XML library to deserialize the XML response to the Employee class like this:

XmlMapper mapper = new XmlMapper(); Employee employee = mapper.readValue(xmlResponse, Employee.class);

Here, xmlResponse is the XML response from the API, and Employee.class is the target Java class that you want to deserialize the XML to.

Note that this approach assumes that the XML response has element names that match the Java property names, so no additional annotations or custom mapping is required. If the element names in the XML response are different from the Java property names, you can use the @JsonProperty annotation to specify the mapping.

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