Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Azure certification questions

 Which Azure service add real-time web functionalities easily to a web-app?

Ans: Azure SignalR Service

Which of the following BigData service processes massive amounts of data with managed clusters of Hadoop clusters in the cloud?

Ans: Azure HDInsight

Select the database that hosts enterprise SQL Server apps in the cloud.

Azure SQL

Which of the following is a fully managed service that allows data analysis models to be pushed directly onto IoT devices, which allows them to react quickly to state changes without needing to consult cloud-based AI models?

IoT Edge

An attacker can bring down your website by sending a large volume of network traffic to your servers. Which Azure service can help your company to protect its App Service instance from this kind of attack?

Ans:  Azure DDoS Protection DDoS Protection helps protect your Azure resources from DDoS attacks.

Which of the following is a valid layer of defense in depth in Azure secure network connectivity?

<div class="flex-fill ml-1">1. Physical Security<br>2. Identity &amp; Access<br>3. Perimeter<br>4. Network<br>5. Compute<br>6. Application<br>7. Data</div>


Which VPN approach requires greater bandwidth and greater level of security using Azure networking?

Azure ExpressRoute

Which of the following option provides applications and data to deploy over various regional datacenters around the globe for best performance in their region?


What is the pricing model followed for billing an Azure virtual machine for partial hours?

Per Hour

Which of the following databases are supported by Azure Cosmos DB?

Ans: Elastically scale your writes and reads all around the globe and pay only for what you need. Azure Cosmos DB provides native support for NoSQL and OSS APIs, including MongoDB, Cassandra



Which is the best way for your organization to safely store its certificates so that they"re accessible to cloud VMs?

Asure Key Valut


What makes Azure cloud more cheaper to use?


Which service is a platform that powers Application Insights, monitoring for VMs, containers, and Kubernetes?

Azure monitor

Which azure service provides a key/attibute store with a schemaless design?

Ans: Azure Table storage is a cloud service that stores structured NoSQL data in the cloud, providing a key/attribute store with a schemaless designSchemaless storage has grown in popularity 


In Azure monitor, which of the following is "not" a visualizing component for gathering the data in more GUI format?


Which of the following Azure storage access tier would be helpful in rarely accessing the data and stored at least for 180days>

·        Ans: Archive tier - An offline tier optimized for storing data that is rarely accessed, and that has flexible latency requirements, on the order of hours. Data in the Archive tier should be stored for a minimum of 180 days.


Which protocol is supported in the policy-based VPNs in Azure networking?


Which Azure database caches the frequently used data & reduces data and application latency?



Which of the following enables you to filter network traffic to and from Azure resources within an Azure virtual network?




If you are unable to access the RDP of a windows server virtual machine, even after the VM is running & showing the Public IP address, which Azure component must be check?



What is the maximum number of Site-to-Site tunnels allowed in the basic SKU in a VPN gateway?



Which of the following would allow you to define rules about how the traffic should be directed in Azure networking?



How do you manage the resource tag applied on the resources within Azure?


Which of the following Azure VPN technology supports "ALL" supported service by Azure?



In case of an outage, which of the following Azure service would provide an official incident reports, called root cause analyses that later can be shared with the stakeholders?


Azure Service Health


Which of the following is not a required Azure resource while deploying an operational VPN gateway?


Select the valid planning factor for creating a VPN using Azure.

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