Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Questions and answers of az-900-test

1. When creating a virtual machine scale set, how do you determine that Vms are identical? 

Ans: Operating System disk image

2. Which Azure Virtual Machine component runs as a small software agent within the operating system?

Ans: Extension

3. Which options are available when configuring an Azure application gateway?

Ans: Public & Private

4. You have deployed an Active Directory domain controller as an Azure LaaS VM, but clients cannot locate the domain controller. What is the most likely cause of the problem?

Ans: Azure provided DNS

5. Which of the following are valid parameters for the New-AzVM PowerShell cmdlet?

Ans: ImageName & Credential

6. Which option differentiates the Azure Load Balancer and Azure Application Gateway?

Ans: URL Path Routing

7. Which type of Azure VPN should be configured for traveling end-users?

Ans: Point-to-site

8. Which term is most closely related to "server less computing?"

Ans: Managed Service

9. Which Azure VM setting defines the operating system that will be used?

Ans: Image

10. You are deploying a Linux VM in Azure and need to specify the amount of RAM. Which setting should you configure?

Ans: Size

11. Which PowerShell cmdlet is used to modify an Azure virtual network configuration?

Ans: Set-AzVirtualNetwork

12. Which web application component determines the virtual machine size?

Ans: App service plan

13. How does the Azure Load Balancer know which back-end VMs are unresponsive?

Ans: health probe

14. You have configured an Azure point-to-site VPN. What should you do to configure VPN clients?

Ans: Download the VPN client configuration

15. Which phrase best sums up the purposes of a content delivery network?

Ans: Increased speed of delivered content

16. Which of the following are examples of software defined networking in Azure?

Ans: Virtual Network & VPN Gateway

17. Yo are planning the deployment of a custom DNS server named DNS1 that will be hosted in an Azure VNet. Which IP Addressing option should you configure for DNS1?

Ans: Static

18. Which PowerShell Cmdlet is used to create an Azure Load Balancer?

Ans: New-AzLoadBalancer

19. Which port must be open to connect to Azure Linux VM public IP address using SSH?

Ans: 22

20. When creating a logic app, you need to specify that an email message will be sent. Which option allows the configuration?

Ans: Add an action

21. You are using the Azure CLI and need to show all virtual networks. Which command should you issue?

Ans: az network vnet list

22. Which statement regarding virtual machine scale sets is correct?

Ans: VMs must be identical

23. You have configured a content delivery network (CDN) for a web application. What should you do to test that the CDN is functional?

Ans: Connect to the CND endpoint in a web browser

24. Which statements regarding Azure VNets is correct?

Ans: One or more subnets can be added

The subnet range must fall within the VNet range

Ans: Jobs


Ans: PaaS

Ans: T-SQL


Ans: HDInsight

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